Here is the current stock list of plants, arranged alphabetically by Latin name from N to Z. To see images for that species, simply click on the name, and you will be redirected to that species' individual page. If you don't know the Latin name, you can try using the common name in the search box (ex. daisy). Not all species have common names, however. Click here for species A-M.
Nemesia cheiranthus Shooting Stars
Nigella damascena Persian Jewels
Nigella papillosa African Bride
Ocimum basilicum var. thrysiflora
Orchis papilionacea ssp. grandiflora
Orchis papilionacea ssp. papilionacea
Oxalis pes-caprae var. pleniflora
Pachypodium sp. (perhaps rosulatum)
Papaver somniferum Danish Flag
Papaver somniferum Seriously Scarlet
Pennisetum orientale Tall Tails
Phlox hybrida compacta Peppermint Candy
Rebutia minuscula v. graessneri
Rhodanthe manglesii Timeless Rose
Rosa chinensis minima Angel Wings
Salpiglossis grandiflora Finest Mixed
Salvia nemorosa Violet Improved
Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica
Sardinian Wildflowers in a Field
Scabiosa atropurpurea Dwarf Mixed Colours